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As a french native, I aim to help non-french, France lovers to understand and enjoy my country.

This blog will give you keys to uncrypt France and break the barriers between you and this country.

I hope you find it useful - See you soon!!

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French Etiquette,

Les Bonnes Manières in France

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Guide French Etiquette, 'Les Bonnes Manières' in France

This survival guide gathers the Essentials of the French Etiquette, also known as 'Les Bonnes Manières' in France.

This guide will ensure you behave appropriately in most situations.

By adhering to the french etiquette, your will earn respect and appreciation by french people. This is well know for facilitating integration and inclusion by natives.

The book condensates key items of the general etiquette, including table manners, social and business situations.


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